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"Machine Learning for Developer Productivity" by Satish Chandra (Strange Loop 2022)

Minimum Viable Architecture • Randy Shoup • YOW! 2022

Stefan Streit: Digitalisierung in der Medizin - elektronische Patientenakte/ePA quo vadis?

Angular Keynote | Minko Gechev & Jeremy Elbourn | ng-conf 2023

#1 Founding Teams - (Spring Health) Adam Chekroud | Slush 2022

The Embodied Runtime - Dennis Heihoff

leyrer: Kinder, es tut mir undendlich leid ...

#15 Building the Product Proposition - (Spotify) Sten Garmark | Slush 2022


DevOpsCon Spring 2019 Keynote -- Operations: the last Mile for DevOps

How we killed DevOps by creating a dedicated DevOps team | Adam Nowak

Driving Culture Change through DevOps, and Vice Versa / Speakers: James Betteley & Sara Milne

Making DevOps Valuable | Sasha Rosenbaum

Christian Adell Querol – The role of the Network Engineer in the DevOps era

Serverless Deployments with Canary – Creating DevOps engineers at LEGO.com | Nicole Yip

Kris Buytaert – Over a decade of #devops, what have we learned

Marc Cluet – Managing DevOps Teams, staying alive


Type checking your Django code with django-types and Pyright with Kyle Bebak - DjangoCon US 2022

DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Building and scaling a live event platform with django-channels

Navigating Django's Future: Djangonaut Space

DjangoCon Europe 2023 | All about djangoproject.com

DjangoCon 2022 | Why would anyone use Snowflake as a backend for Django?

DjangoCon 2022 | Async Django: The practical guide you've been **awaiting** for.

DjangoCon 2022 | Lightning Talks Day 3

DjangoCon 2022 | The (Python) Magic of Django: A Tour of the Codebase


Una Kravets - The Best JavaScript is No JavaScript

DEADScript: The Role Of JavaScript In Web Sustainability – Henri Helvetica, JSNation 2023

Um, its about your JavaScript...

Javascript Should Come With Batteries - Luca Casonato, React Day Berlin 2023

"Of JavaScript Ahead-Of-Time Compilation Performance" by Manuel Serrano (Strange Loop 2022)

Building a Voice-Enabled AI Assistant With Javascript – Tejas Kumar, JSNation 2023

Experience of Creating JavaScript Games

ElixirConf 2023 - Chris Nelson - LiveView: The javascript you need while keeping the Elixir you love


Growing the PHP Core – One Test at a Time | Florian Engelhardt

Getting Started with PHP-FFI | Thomas Bley

Optimizing nginx and PHP-FPM – from Beginner to Expert to Crazy | Arne Blankerts

PHPUnit 10: Why It’s Delayed, What It Brings | Sebastian Bergmann

Tuning PHPStan to Maximum Strictness - Ondřej Mirtes

DPC2022: Building Recommender System in PHP8

Building Recommender System in PHP8 | Mihailo Joksimovic

Your first PHP extension - Christian Rades


RustConf 2023 - A Rust-based garbage collector for Python

RustConf 2023 - Rustacean Community Interfaces: A Tale of Many Hats

RustEdu Workshop 2022 - RustViz: Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing

Rustberry Pi: Baby-steps in Embedded Rust - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz, September 2022

RustConf 2023 - The Art and Science of Teaching Rust

RustConf 2023 - Extending Rust's Effect System

RustConf 2023 - Rust Foundation: Demystified

RustConf 2023 - Rust in the Wild: A Factory Control System from Scratch


The Art of Humble Views: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way - Mo Khazali, TestJS Summit 2023

Twitter Space | Testing: unit (testing-library/react) and end-to-end/integration

Learning Test-Driven Development • Saleem Siddiqui & Dave Farley

Tiny Tests, Large Results – Nikolay Advolodkin, TestJS Summit 2022

🚀 Integration Testing with Docker and Testcontainers (Sergei Egorov)

Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2023

Full-Circle Testing With Cypress - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2022

Testing Web Applications with Playwright - Debbie O'Brien, TestJS Summit 2022