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Oven Repair (The Hardware Hacking Way)

Johannes Bechberger: Instrument to Remove: Using Java agents for fun and profit

From Burnout to Balance: Prioritising Your Wellbeing With Michael Riegel, GM Europe at Navan

Qualities of a Highly Effective Architect (Venkat Subramaniam)

Advancing cppfront with Modern C++: Refining the Implementation of is, as, and UFCS - Filip Sajdak

Analyzing the Privacy of Android Apps

AEPIC Leak: Architecturally Leaking Uninitialized Data from the Microarchitecture

"Clojure lsp – One tool to lint them all" by Eric Dallo


Bring AI-Based Search to Your Web App – Sebastian Witalec, JSNation 2023

Bobur Umurzokov - Build AI-powered data pipeline without vector databases | PyData Global 2023

Intersecting Frontiers Panel: The AI-Web3 Nexus and Its Game-Changing Implications | Futurist 2023

Stefan Kahl & Josef Haupt - AI-powered bioacoustic monitoring with BirdNET [PyData Prague]

ElixirConf 2023 - Alfonso Gonzalez - Embedded System w/ Elixir for millions AI-based point of sales

MoustachedBouncer: AitM-Powered Surveillance via Belarus ISPs

Hayri Göcke | AI enabling automated maintenance | Rise of AI Conference 2023

AI for software development: A reality check | Birgitta Boeckeler | LeadDev Berlin 2023


Florida Bitcoin Citadel Presents: Bitcoin 101 | Kurt Wuckert Jr. | #LDNBlockchain23

Ordinals, lightning and the future of bitcoin

AMA: Bitcoin at scale is all about micropayments—here’s why | Dr Craig Wright | #LDNBlockchain23

The Future of Bitcoin Mining I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Bitcoin + Ethereum + Internet Computer = World Computer

Using Bitcoin to build a business – The Unilateral Contract | Dr Craig Wright | #LDNBlockchain23

Digital Signatures and Identity in Bitcoin | Todd Price | #LDNBlockchain23

How to Start Building Your First Bitcoin SV App | Ty Everett, Brayden Langley | #LDNBlockchain23


Growing the PHP Core – One Test at a Time | Florian Engelhardt

Getting Started with PHP-FFI | Thomas Bley

Optimizing nginx and PHP-FPM – from Beginner to Expert to Crazy | Arne Blankerts

PHPUnit 10: Why It’s Delayed, What It Brings | Sebastian Bergmann

Tuning PHPStan to Maximum Strictness - Ondřej Mirtes

DPC2022: Building Recommender System in PHP8

Building Recommender System in PHP8 | Mihailo Joksimovic

Your first PHP extension - Christian Rades


Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

PyData Chicago January 2023 Meetup | Securday: Natural Language Network Scanner

PAR: Securing the OAuth and OpenID Connect Front-Channel - Dominick Baier - NDC Security 2024

Why Security Is Important in ML and How To Secure Your ML-based Solutions | Rachid Kherrazi

Security Champions? Introduce them in your Organisation | Ives Laaf

The insecurity of OAuth 2.0 in frontends - Philippe de Ryck - NDC Security 2023

SAINTCON 2016 - Kevin Stultz - Docker Container Security


The Art of Humble Views: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way - Mo Khazali, TestJS Summit 2023

Twitter Space | Testing: unit (testing-library/react) and end-to-end/integration

Learning Test-Driven Development • Saleem Siddiqui & Dave Farley

Tiny Tests, Large Results – Nikolay Advolodkin, TestJS Summit 2022

🚀 Integration Testing with Docker and Testcontainers (Sergei Egorov)

Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2023

Full-Circle Testing With Cypress - Filip Hric, TestJS Summit 2022

Testing Web Applications with Playwright - Debbie O'Brien, TestJS Summit 2022


The Web3 revolution by DFINITY

Intersecting Frontiers Panel: The AI-Web3 Nexus and Its Game-Changing Implications | Futurist 2023

The Role of Web3 in the Future of Music & Entertainment I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Web3 Builders Decentralizing the Internet | Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Rebuilding the Financial System of the Internet with Web3 I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Entering the Web3 Space: A Guide for Big Brands. Fireside w/ Artūrs Garais & Aléksa Mil

Collaborative Success in Web3: From Building Teams to Finding Your Role | Blockchain Futurist 2023

Raoul Pal | CEO of RealVision, GMI, etc. | web3 talks | Sep 29th 2022 | Hosted by Raphael Hyde