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Dan Neciu - Modern Testing Practices in Frontend Applications - JSWORLD 2023

Down the Rabbit Hole: An Exploration of Stack Overflow Questions - Marshall Clow - CppCon 2021

Rustberry Pi: Baby-steps in Embedded Rust - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz, September 2022

Matthew Rocklin Distributed Data Science for Humans with Dask | JupyterCon 2023

The Django Admin Is Your Oyster: Let’s Extend Its Functionality with Adrienne Franke - DCUS 2022

Lets Talk About Privacy: To Know Or Not To Know Is The Question I Blockchain Futurist Conference

Cultural post mortems: an approach to learning and recovering when your people systems fail

Alex Soto - Securing Secrets in the GitOps era


Bring AI-Based Search to Your Web App – Sebastian Witalec, JSNation 2023

Bobur Umurzokov - Build AI-powered data pipeline without vector databases | PyData Global 2023

Intersecting Frontiers Panel: The AI-Web3 Nexus and Its Game-Changing Implications | Futurist 2023

Stefan Kahl & Josef Haupt - AI-powered bioacoustic monitoring with BirdNET [PyData Prague]

ElixirConf 2023 - Alfonso Gonzalez - Embedded System w/ Elixir for millions AI-based point of sales

MoustachedBouncer: AitM-Powered Surveillance via Belarus ISPs

Hayri Göcke | AI enabling automated maintenance | Rise of AI Conference 2023

AI for software development: A reality check | Birgitta Boeckeler | LeadDev Berlin 2023


Florida Bitcoin Citadel Presents: Bitcoin 101 | Kurt Wuckert Jr. | #LDNBlockchain23

Ordinals, lightning and the future of bitcoin

AMA: Bitcoin at scale is all about micropayments—here’s why | Dr Craig Wright | #LDNBlockchain23

The Future of Bitcoin Mining I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Bitcoin + Ethereum + Internet Computer = World Computer

Using Bitcoin to build a business – The Unilateral Contract | Dr Craig Wright | #LDNBlockchain23

Digital Signatures and Identity in Bitcoin | Todd Price | #LDNBlockchain23

How to Start Building Your First Bitcoin SV App | Ty Everett, Brayden Langley | #LDNBlockchain23


DevOpsCon Spring 2019 Keynote -- Operations: the last Mile for DevOps

How we killed DevOps by creating a dedicated DevOps team | Adam Nowak

Driving Culture Change through DevOps, and Vice Versa / Speakers: James Betteley & Sara Milne

Making DevOps Valuable | Sasha Rosenbaum

Christian Adell Querol – The role of the Network Engineer in the DevOps era

Serverless Deployments with Canary – Creating DevOps engineers at LEGO.com | Nicole Yip

Kris Buytaert – Over a decade of #devops, what have we learned

Marc Cluet – Managing DevOps Teams, staying alive


Python-based ML and HPC workflows in the Cloud for science and engineering I PyData Chicago 2022

Kalyan Prasad - Python-Driven Portfolios: Bridging Theory and Practice for Efficient Investments

DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Teaching Children Python-What Works?

Juan Nunez-Iglesias - View, annotate, and analyze multi-dimensional images in Python with napari

Sponsor Presentation—S. Ostrowski: Accelerate your workflow from local Python prototype to the cloud

Sponsor Presentation - How to build stunning Data Science Web applications in Python

Cheuk Ho - How to be Pythonic? Design a Query Language in Python

Sponsor Presentation - Python Profiling State of the World


RustConf 2023 - A Rust-based garbage collector for Python

RustConf 2023 - Rustacean Community Interfaces: A Tale of Many Hats

RustEdu Workshop 2022 - RustViz: Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing

Rustberry Pi: Baby-steps in Embedded Rust - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz, September 2022

RustConf 2023 - The Art and Science of Teaching Rust

RustConf 2023 - Extending Rust's Effect System

RustConf 2023 - Rust Foundation: Demystified

RustConf 2023 - Rust in the Wild: A Factory Control System from Scratch


Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

PyData Chicago January 2023 Meetup | Securday: Natural Language Network Scanner

PAR: Securing the OAuth and OpenID Connect Front-Channel - Dominick Baier - NDC Security 2024

Why Security Is Important in ML and How To Secure Your ML-based Solutions | Rachid Kherrazi

Security Champions? Introduce them in your Organisation | Ives Laaf

The insecurity of OAuth 2.0 in frontends - Philippe de Ryck - NDC Security 2023

SAINTCON 2016 - Kevin Stultz - Docker Container Security